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Monday, September 30, 2013

Three Questions

Former national champion football coach, current ESPN broadcaster, and motivational speaker, Lou Holtz, suggests three subconscious quesions people ask about us:

 1. Do you care about me?

2. Can I trust you?

3. Are you committed to excellence?

For us to answer affirmatively to these three questions we must:

1. Treat others to way you would like to be treated.

2. Do what's right

3. Do the best we can in all our endeavors.

What has this entry inspired you to do differently?
Write it down.
Begin today.


  1. Replies
    1. Lou Holtz knows how to Win with People because he read the book by Woody Hayes.

  2. Change 1. to read "Treat others the way......." I am committing today to "Do the right thing" when confronted with choices.
