If the way you move determines the way you feel, and it does, then you might want to try some of these techniques.
Smile--smiling causes all those facial muscles to crinkle upward that cuts off the circulation in the carotid artery a little bit, that stimulates the hypothalamus, that, in turn, impacts the prefrontal cortex that causes endorphins to be released. The neurochemical pathways are a little more complicated than that; nevertheless force those lips into an upward position until those endorphins flood your brain. You'll be invigorated. Guaranteed.

Laugh--out loud. We all need about 18 belly laughs and day…and if you play golf with me you will have at least 18.
Snap your fingers--it boosts your enthusiasm…and causes those dice to roll just right.
4. Pump your fist…and that putt falls every time
Stand erect…just like you mama said and your droopy mood becomes upbeat.
Square those shoulders soldier and you become bold, brave, unbeatable.
Walk briskly--a cheerful step gives confidence
Talk fast and with inflection--rapid talking increases energy. You can actually energize an entire room when you speak with cadence, tempo, and rhythm.
Wave you arms around to animate your speech.
Look up and you'll feel emboldened.
What has this entry inspired you to do differently?
Write it down.
Begin today.