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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Composition Thoughts

Writing style has changed since Strunk and White wrote Elements of Style. Certainly concise, crisp sentences and active verbs remain the rule for us all. 

But now sentences sometimes begin with but or because or and. Incomplete sentences and one word sentences add punch to an essay. 

Dangling participles abound. As Winston Churchill said: “Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put.” 

For some reason commas are used less often. (Can someone tell me why?)

As a blogger for the general public (not a specialty writer), I have found that:
1. The reader's short attention span demands that bloggers omit formal expository prose.
2. One to three sentences mandate a paragraph even when good writing requires no paragraph.
3. Bullets and numbers are used more often.
4. More than 350 words provide too much information.

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