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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Come Let Us Reason Together

I’m not a political person. Sadly, the political bickering and name calling that pervades the news cycles and Internet have galled me into writing something. 

Before the harangue let me begin with these thoughts: 
  • No one wins an argument. To open a discussion, use the Benjamin Franklin approach: It seems to me...and I could be wrong...that (state your opinion). If your friend counters with a knee-jerk response such as “Obama is a Muslin” or “Trump is a traitor” excuse yourself politely and move on because there is no room for sincere, openminded dialogue. 
  • Listen and learn from the other person. Remember all of us want three things—love, joy and peace. We just go about getting it in different ways. Learn about those differences. Listening does not mean you agree with the other person. Instead listening teaches you how others think. 
  • When I point a finger at someone there are three fingers pointing back to me. (Judge not that thou be not judged.) 
  • When I abhor a character trait, I usually have that trait. Example: I loathe arrogance, but I am often haughty, vain, pompous, condescending, disdainful. Hint: When you feel negatively about someone ask yourself if you have that same trait deep in your heart. 
  • Be open-minded. All beliefs have some truth in them. 
  • Before posting on Facebook or Twitter or any other Internet source remember that negative comments mark you as a bitter complainer and bite back. If you are angry go out and split logs.
  • Before you write an Email ask yourself if you would want 7.5 Billion people to read it. 
  • If you read hostile comments laugh because most negative comments are so ridiculous that they are funny.  
I began this essay thinking I would write a couple of warnings before going into a tirade on political beliefs but to continue would make my entry too long. Tune in Thursday (if you are so inclined) for the conclusion.

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