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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Dont' Try to Be perfeck

we cant expect to be happpy all the time. Life is not perfect People let us down becaus people aren't perfect. 

If you look real hard and find someone who does' everything perfect--perfect spoouse, perfect kids, perfect church, perfect hair, perfect teeth, perfect inlaws, perfect vacations--I will give you my board certified diploma in psyichiatry and neurology if you don't find behind the perfect facade a worried, terrified, anxious individual that fears being discovered as a fake perfect person.

I am not mocking this perfectionism because it is a wretched trait to have and it makes the posssessor and those around miserabble.

 your not perfect iether.

Overcomming the need to be perfekt takes a lot of werk. one way is to say to yourself people love you even you you arn't perfect. iN FACT THey love you more when you are youselves

And you arn't perfect neither. So relx and watch spong bob of Tv

Befor yoo watch sponge Bob wrtie this our ten times:

Good enough is good enough.
Good enough is good enough,
Good enough is good enough.
Good enough is good enough.
Good enough is goood enough.
Good enough is good enough.
Good enough is good enough.
Good enouh is good enough.
Good enough is good enough.

How many errors did you find? Only perfectionists would count.
And which perfectionist out there counted how many "Good enoungh is good enough" sentences there were. 

I found 23  0r 24 misakes but i countd fast.. there might have be 27 or 29

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