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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Praying for 2018

In our postmodern world marked by:

  • Selfish individualism that has led to conflict, family decomposition, riots, and neglect
  • Narcissistic hedonism that has produced 300,000 babies born each year with their mother's drug addiction, family entertainment filled with raunch and violence, an abortion epidemic
  • Deconstructive morality based on what each individual believes is right or wrong
  • Political correctness, a form of coercion, that has depersonalized humans and leads to the loss of human freedom
---we need an anchor, a true-north compass, a ruddered ship, a "why" to live a life rich in good deeds.  We need God, a God we can depend on.

Why do we pray:
  • To express our trust and reliance on God who desires the best for us and from us. 
  • Prayer acknowledges our dependence on God as a loving and wise Father who controls the universe in his unsearchable and inscrutable ways.
  • To have fellowship with God, a stable, dependable, caring, and loving friend with whom we can reveal our most intimate fears, concerns, desires, and conflicts without condemnation. 
  • God loves and delights in our fellowship with him.
  • To express our genuine conviction of God's wisdom, love, goodness, and power.
  • To increase our faith, the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
  • To have a firm foundation upon which to build our lives filled with unselfish love and productive work.
  • To produce good fruit that advances his kingdom within us and beyond us. 
  • For encouragement to contribute to those activities that are eternally important.
  • To offer thanks for the blessings bestowed upon us.

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