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Friday, December 12, 2014

The Holy Presence

God is with us wherever we go. Jesus is right by our side. The Holy Spirit is within us. The barrier is not too great. We can feel the Holy Presence wherever we go. Deep down somewhere in our psyche or heart, mind, or soul we can feel the Holy Presence. It’s none of those really, but it is within us. We use those terms to try to describe what we feel. But we are spirit more than we are physical. We are trapped in a body that will soon evaporate and we are left with spirit.
The spirit of God remains with us. Jesus is there to comfort us. The Holy Spirit to guide us. God’s spirit, the Holy Presence, surrounds us. We all know the Holy Presence is with us all the time. But we block it out with fast living, fast cars, Internet speed, tweaks and trits, worries and wastes, greeds and gets. Nonetheless the Holy Presence is there to comfort us or to haunt us.
There is a thin barrier that separates us from the Holy Presence. But it is very thin and we can be with it if we let go of all our desires and busyness.
Consider this. We are mostly space. We are made up with atoms and protons, quarks and leptons separated by vast amounts of space. Within that space God, the Holy Presence, dwells.  When our physical form fades we unite with God. Our spirit becomes blended with God’s spirit and because God is love we become a vibrant living, love. We melt into the loving spirit of God. We become love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness.

We have all those virtues within us now but physical barriers prevent us from fully realizing those virtues. The Holy Presence tries to reveal those virtues to us but we resist. Sin keeps us locked away from the Holy Presence, but it is with us nonetheless. As sin diminishes, the Holy Presence increases.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Thanks for these encouraging thoughts.
    Let's keep each other accountable with our blogging commitments.
